Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cabin Fever

Day 15- More and more cards
So Tuesday was another pretty boring day. It started off waking up late since I stayed up pretty late the night before. But when I did wake up I instantly went to cleaning my room. Crazy how dirty your room can get in such a short time. So I swept, mopped, and dusted my room from top to bottom, it took like a good chunk of time.

Which brought us to dinner (crazy how time flies when your trapped in your dorm.) For dinner we all headed down to the kitchen to play another 6 hours of cards. Over the course of time we made grilled cheese and played a ton of different card games. That of course was fun and we laughed a lot. Afterwards we booked our dorm dance studio for an hour and half and danced our butts off! It was great to practice our dance routines since there would be no dance classes for the weeks.
We practiced our theatre dance routine to "One" from Chorus Line and then we basically freestyles for the rest of the time. It was so much fun :)
After the dancing we all took showers and headed down to the kitchen again to play yet again more cards! The only bad part about playing cards was I lost EVERY single game of speed :( But it was all in good fun!
Afterwards a few friends and I realized we weren't tired and proceeded to a friends room to watch Cinderella, the version with Brandy and Whitney Houston! It was a great movie and I have a feeling we'll be watching it many more times.
Once Cinderella was done one friend and I headed to my room to watch a movie called Dirty which was about corrupt cops. (We watched the movie until 6 am).
That is when I went to bed, I was exhausted afterwards!
Day 16- Halloween
When I woke up on Wednesday I barley even remembered it was Halloween. It didn't cross my mind what so ever, but it crossed my friends minds. So after I woke up, late, again we headed to the Halloween store to get costumes for that night and our Halloween party this weekend. We made it to two different stores to find the perfect costumes. I chose to go as a female version of the mad hatter :) It was a really cute costume!
My other friends went as Mr. and Mrs. Krueger, Alice in Wonderland, Dorthy, and my other friend dressed up as Sexy...wearing his normal clothes. LOL!
Once our costumes were set we made a plan that we would all wear our costumes to time square that evening and see a movie, only some friends would see Sinister (OMG NOT GOING TO HAPPEN) and some would see another movie (like me)!
So the next couple hours we spent getting ready, doing our hair, our makeup, etc! Once we were all ready though, we looked awesome; especially, my friends who dressed up at the Kruegers.

We then made our way to Time Square. Some people took a taxi, I chose to walk with my friend there. It was actually not to bad of a walk, it was a little chilly in my costume though! Otherwise the walk was really nice. 
Once we made it to Time Square, we were supposed to meet up with two friends who were also seeing the non scary movie, but when we got there they told us they were opting on seeing the scary one. That was not going to happen with me, so my friend I walked with and I chose to buy tickets for Cloud Atlas.
The movie wasn't until 8:45, so we had time to kill. We proceeded to the Shake Shack for my first experience there. It was really tasty! :)
While the two of us were there our friend who didn't come with us texted us to see if we were still in Time Square. We told him yes and that we were seeing a movie in 45 minutes.
Needless to say our friend ran to Time Square (42nd street) from our dorm building (70th street). He made it though! So we proceeded to the movie.
The movie was great! I really enjoyed it, and it wasn't your typically movie. I would recommend it if you like movies with a deeper meaning, because that is defiantly what it was. My friends and I who saw it agreed it would take us a few days to really grasp the movie's concept.
We walked back to our dorm building and when we got here I went to get my mail. I got a package from my aunt and uncle! It was a really great thing to get! It was filled with lots of goodies :) I was thankful!
My friends came into my room and got pizza so we chilled for a while talking and eating! But then we all realized how tired we were, which meant bed time!
So here I sit! Tired, but I wanted to write about my past couple of days and let everyone know that the hurricane did not even touch us and that with my days off of school were still managing to make the best of it.
Thursday, AMDA is running a limited number of classes, which are determined by if the teacher can make it or not. I personally don't have any classes, but my friends do. 
I am making myself organize tomorrow because even though I cleaned my room Tuesday, when you have a tiny room it doesn't take much to make it a mess again.
OH AND I GOT A JOB AT THE SCHOOL! :) I'm not sure what it is, but I'm excited to see!
Well, it's bedtime for me! Lots to do even if there is no school!