Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I thought 122 was bad enough...174 Tap Terms?

It's almost here. A week from today, I will be sitting in the greatest city in the country and maybe the world...New York City. It's all becoming so real these days. For so long it's been a dream, now it's reality.
I went to the evil dentist today...I hate the dentist. It's probably worse than drinking Airborne, yes something is worse than airborne Aunt Deb! :) I mean seriously, when they ask me if I am doing alright what do they want to say? "I am having a great time :) you're digging into my gums with sharp tools, I can't swallow, you keep grabbing my tongue (which is really awkward) and you put this really horrible tasting stuff on my teeth." Blah! Yes my teeth look whiter and nicer...but I still don't like the dentist.
Also, today was all about tap terms...I thought ballet was bad with 122 terms, NOPE tap had 174. I'm guessing that's because there are a lot of different steps that are combinations of steps and turns and leaps and of course each series of steps has it's own name...AH! I know what I'll be doing on the plane ride...flashcards of dance terms. I still have to make my Jazz term sheet...I don't even want to know how many terms that will have. But it's all worth it.
But tonight was great! I had a nice dinner with some of the most important people in my life, my family. My grandparents, Aunt and Uncle Deb and Al, Cousin Connor, parents, brother, and my boyfriend Zack all got together for a farewell dinner. Although some of them I'll see before I leave, it was cool to have everyone together for one last time. I'm really, really going to miss all of them, probably more than I realize now. I can't wait to have skyping dates with all of them back home!
So, I guess it's really happening, I'm really leaving to NYC.
I can't wait. I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. So many emotions I'm really feeling right now. I just hope things are awesome! I guess I'll find out soon.
One week...one week...

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