Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Fire Within Me

Hello Everyone!
It's been a long week at AMDA filled with a lot of crazy things, especially with all the prep for final demos, which are coming up fast. In all truthfulness, I only have two weeks left to normal classes before finals begin. Its crazy to think about. Besides finals though I've had lots of assignments to prepare. The third song is coming along nicely. I've chosen, along with the help of some accompanists here, to sing "The Fire Within Me" from Little Women. It's a fantastic song and it's extremely deep. I just need to find an 1800s costume for my performance day. Blah! Another thing to add to my crazy weekend. I also had a VPS test yesterday, which I got 12/10. :) We also had our MT dress rehearsal and acting workshops, it was insane. This week looks about the same as of now. Lots of paperwork: song charts, dossiers. But its alright, all of my hard work will pay off.
It's one week until my birthday and for the most part I have it planned out, unless I have a makeup class :(. If I don't though, my friends and I are going to eat breakfast at the strat, and then make our way to 5th avenue to do some light shopping and window shopping. Then we will probably head back to the dorms and change for dinner in Time Square and possibly catch a show before or after. I am really excited! I just hope that I don't have a class, that would kind of suck.
Also I booked my plane ticket home this week. I cannot wait. I will be home from Feb. 15 (late night) to Feb. 24. It's going to be such a nice break! I wish I had more time though, like I always do! Its kind of sad although that next semester I won't be home at all, but it's okay because I've decided to take the summer off. It's for a couple reasons though. It'll be sad to leave some of my classmates since they are going straight through, but it's something I feel I need to do.
I am looking forward to it immensely!
I am doing a five hour shift in the library! :) It's time to do homework! I'm talking to Zack inquiring about the horse show that I am missing :( Shout out to the New Heights Crew!
Hope Wisconsin is great and not TOO cold, it's like 30s here!

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