Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blizzard Demos

Happy Thursday!
I hope everyone is staying inside and safe from the terrible snow storm that is taking Wisconsin by storm these days.
We don't have a storm here in NYC yet...I hear it will be coming soon although, but it looks like when it gets here it'll be nothing but a few flurries.
Instead of a snow storm, we're having a different kind of storm. Storm Demos. It's snowing, raining, thundering, lightening, etc. demos. It's all every AMDA kid is thinking about since it's our last week of classes.
It's strange to think that I have already had the last of my regular classes for the semester. It's putting everything into perspective, the end is upon us.
Demos started on Tuesday and since then, life has actually been pretty chill, which is weird. I have had my sight singing final, which went fine and was nothing too serious. Yesterday, I had my musical theatre demo which went fantastic. I performed Practically Perfect and apparently it's one of the first times it's being done at AMDA. I was really proud of how I did. After Musical Theatre we had our individual voice demos in where I performed Thy Hand Belinda. It's a really difficult song that usually only upperclassmen do, so I was very happy with the fact that the demo went very well.
Besides that, I haven't had any other demos. I was lucky and had no demos today, I just had to work at the library.
Everything is winding down, and it's crazy to think soon 1st semester will be done with. It feels so much longer than just a few months.
Tomorrow will be a crazy day for demos though, an acting make up in the morning, then our 5 hour jazz/tap demo and to finish off the day our Musical Theatre Films demo, that will probably be the hardest. I guess the reason is because it's memorization and paper test oriented, not like our other demos which are about performing.
This weekend will be pretty chill though, the library will be closed and I only have a ballet make up on Saturday. But before I leave there are a few things I'd like to do. I 'd like to see Cinderella and head to time square to get a dress for my birthday party that will be happening when I am home!
I'm so excited to be coming home in a week. Around this time next week I'll be going through security. I love it here but it'll be a nice break from everything!
But with the semester coming to an end, so is our J1 group and other friendships. While most of us are staying to continue here at AMDA, there are some great members of our group leaving. It's sad to think about. I really have enjoyed them in my life. I wish them all the best. As well as those who are leaving are some LA transfer students who only were able to do one semester here in NYC, I'll also miss them.
I can't wait to see what comes from those who are leaving AMDA NYC because everyone is so talented.
I am so excited for break! I just have to make it through blizzard demos first!

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