Tuesday, October 16, 2012

4 Hours...

It's four hours until I leave, and I'm up doing last minute things. It's crazy to think that when I wake...if I ever get to sleep...I'll be leaving my home and everything I know and heading to a place I've never been and have no clue what to expect.
I guess I've known since May 22 that this was going to happen, but it seemed like forever to get here.
Zack and I are typing away at our computers, trying to download new software so I'm up to date on everything, and while I'm waiting for that I thought I'd take the time to say my goodbyes and see ya laters :)
I just want to say thank you to all of the wonderful people that I have grown so dear to over the last 18 years of my life.
Thank you to the family who never gave up on me, and has been such a rock of a support system. Clapping and screaming for me at my events, having great conversations at family outings and holidays, and just being an all around great family. I couldn't have asked for more. You have all been so good to me, and I can't say thank you enough. I hope I make you proud!!!
Thank you to my Aunt Deb and Uncle Al for taking care of me from the time I came home from the hospital. You guys have taught me so much about life and about being a great person. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have you in my life. From chocolate marshmallow shakes to rummage sale shopping, life without you would not be the same. I can't wait to see you in New York!
Thank you to my cousin Connor, for teaching me that I shouldn't dwell on the little things and to be strong. At only two, he is such a joy to be around. I always told myself I hated kids...but spending so much time with him I realized I only dislike the bad ones...haha. He is so great and I can't wait to see him grow up. He gives me hope for this world and the generations that follow my own.
Thank you to my trainer, Deb, you have helped me develop into the person I am today. Teaching me that laziness gets you no where and that princesses only belong in fairytales. You have done so much for both my horse Cosmo and I, I can't say thank you enough. You're a really great trainer and I am counting down the days until I get to take another lesson!
Thank you to the girls at the barn; Libby, Molly R., Molly M., Kira, Cayla, Brieghly, Brooke K., Brooke C., Dana, Charity, Erica, Grandma Cindy, and everyone down at the stable. You have provided so many amazing memories, not only with riding. I have had such a joy being your friend! I can't wait to see you all again, and hopefully to have another great show season next summer. You guys are all great riders, keep up the good work, and take care of those ponies. Oh and Grandma Cindy, just stay you, because everyone loves you just the way you are :). You all are such amazing and talented girls, don't forget that! Stay strong and be you (always!)
Thank you to my voice teacher, Bethany, for guiding me to my future. If it wasn't for you, I am for certain I wouldn't be heading on this path I am about to embark on! You have shown me that I am talented and do have a bright future. Even in times when I doubted it, you have done nothing but given me confidence in myself and my voice. Thank you for opening my eyes to great music and teaching me so many things about musicianship and singing. You have been so great to me, not only as a teacher, but as a friend. I look forward to hanging with you in New York and taking lessons when I return home!
Thank you to my amazing dance teacher, Jen. Without you I would be going into to AMDA without a clue. You have done such an amazing job teaching me about the world of dance, and I am forever grateful. Jen, you took me in as a solo student who didn't know a thing about dance, and made me into a person who now feels comfortable with the knowledge she has gained from your lessons! You've guided me and answered all of my questions. Thank you so much for everything, and I hope to see you next summer to continue working on my skills and technique.
Thank you to my guitar teacher, Chris. You were my very first teacher, outside of school. You have taken me under your wing to not only excel and love playing guitar, but also to experience what great music was out there (that wasn't playing on the radio station.) I've had such a great time getting to know you and spend time with you, and going to all of your fabulous concerts! I can't wait to see you when I come home, and learn a couple of new songs on my guitar!
Thank you to all of the wonderful people I have met through Green Bay Girl Choir! You have seriously made my high school years about learning and enjoying music, and of course about "I am having so much fun! :)". I have made so many awesome friendships throughout my four year membership. I also have worked with some amazing directors and managers who have been so great to me. I cannot say thank you enough! The whole organization is so amazing, truthfully I wish I could do it all over again. But don't worry, I have Juan with me in New York to remind me of all the awesome memories!
Thank you to all of my friends I have encountered over the years, not only at my high school but outside of school as well. You have been the light in my tunnel on many occasions. I know that some of us might not be close anymore or have drifted apart, but I want to say thank you for everything you have taught me. I can only wish you all the best of luck in your futures and hope that one day we can see each other again! You are all amazing! Thanks for the memories, the laughs, the smiles, and everything in-between! "Who can say that I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good!" And to those I am still close with, I can't wait to make more memories with you!
Thank you to Pulaski Student Council and Choir, and everyone involved with these organizations. Both of these programs have developed me into the person I am today. You've taught me responsibility, creativity, leadership, and so much more. High school would not have been the same without you! To all the friends I have made in both of these program, you have shaped me into someone I am proud to be. All of you give me strength because your love and support always will make me smile. Continue to be great, because you all are! Stay strong, even when it gets tough, because trust me, I know first hand it does. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! That's one thing I learned from both of these organizations. Giving up is for the weak, being strong is for the leaders. Thank you for everything, from the lessons you have taught me to the many, many memories! I have had such an amazing time both being a member and being the leader of both of these organizations!
Thank you to the WASC! I truthfully do not have the adequate words to say to tell you how much this organization and the people in it have taught me. I wish I could do every event associated with the WASC over and over again. Thank you WASC camp! Gosh, what a great experience. Everyone I met there taught me so many life lessons. You are all such wonderful people. At camp, I have never felt better about myself. The friendships I have made at camp have been some of the most wonderful! I cannot put into words my appreciation towards Camp, the WASC, and the wonderful people associated with it. You give me such hope for the world and for myself. I am so positive when I'm with the WASC...I hope to never loose this feeling. Thank you again!
Thank you to my awesome animals that have been with me throughout the years. I know it might be strange to thank your animals, but they have been so good to me. Thanks Cosmo, my horse, for teaching me to love. You've been a great partner to me over 7 years, I can't thank you enough. Even though you can't talk you have taught me so much about life! Thanks Patches, my cat, for teaching me to take care of you when you were hurt. Nursing you back to health wasn't easy, but it taught me a lot, and I'm glad you're well now and you can run around the house crazy! :) Thanks Rosie, my dog, for being so cute and friendly. You've always been there for me to talk to! Thanks Peek-a-Chu, my chinchilla, for just being you! Thanks Eeyore, my donkey, for teaching me the courage to get on the back of an animal again after I broke my arm! Without you I wouldn't have ever been able to accomplish anything with Cosmo. Also, thanks to all of the animals who have been there in my life who are no longer with us anymore. You've played such a huge part of my life, and words cannot describe my gratitude.
Thanks to my Zack, you have been such an amazing person to me and my family. I can't believe 2 years and 11 months ago, from this day, we agreed to try this "going out" thing. I couldn't be more thrilled with where we are today. We have been through so much over the years, but we are so much stronger today because of it. It's really hard to say goodbye to you, even though I'll see you in a month, because you have been such a huge part of my life. You have taught me so much. You've taught me to be loving, kind, caring, compassionate, strong, and so much more. You have really been my guiding light. I know we go through hard times, but which relationship doesn't? It doesn't matter how many times you fall, but how many times you get up. With you, I'll get up as many times as you'll let me. You have done nothing but love me over these past, almost, 3 years. Zack, you have picked me up when I was down, held me when I cried, listened to me when I vented, and vented, and vented, and so much more. You're amazing to me, and an amazing person in general, NEVER FORGET THAT! I can't wait to come home to see you. I know this is really hard, but we have to "suck it up," and be strong. Thank you for all you have done for me, I can't say it enough. I love you so much!
Thank you to my brother Paul, for being not only my big bro but my best friend. For 18 years, you have been nothing but kind to me. I can't tell you how much you have taught me about being a good person to everyone and about being strong. You're an inspiration to me, and I hope I make you proud. I'm really sorry that I haven't spent more time with you over the years, and I hope to change that when I come home! Truthfully, I can't say how happy I am to be your sister. From movies every Wednesday before Thanksgiving to going to Green Bay just for fun, I have appreciated and loved every minute of being your sibling. I love you. Thank you for everything you have done for me!
Thank you to my parents. This is a big one. You guys have really taught me everything I know. You both have shaped me into the person I am today and without you I wouldn't be me...nor heading to NYC for college. I love you both so much. Mom, thanks for everything you have done for me. I have enjoyed every minute of being your daughter! You've been so good to me, and I'm sorry I haven't shown you how much I appreciated you. You are amazing. I have so many great memories with you, from shopping nights to just sitting around the house watching movies. Everything has been a joy. You have really been such a big part of my support system, I don't think I could have made it this far without you. Thanks for being such a great mother, I am really going to miss you. Dad, what can I say? "Daddy, here's your little girl." I am your little girl. You have done so much good in my life, I can't say thank you enough. You've pushed me to try new things and do my best and have supported me through every time in my life. Dad, you exposed me to great music and started my love for it since the day I was born. I've been so proud to be your little girl! I love you so much! I can't wait for both of you to come visit me in NYC!
Thank you to everyone else who has been apart of my life, if I sat here and listed everyone, I really would never be able to get at least 3 hours of sleep tonight. Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years and all you have taught me! Without you, who I am today, would not be possible!

I hope everyone realizes how much I love them! You are all so great! I leave for New York tomorrow, and I am so excited! I can't wait to tell you all about it!
SO until tomorrow,

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