Sunday, October 14, 2012

48 hours...

It's practically coming down to the end... my last days in Wisconsin. Can I believe it? No way. But strange enough to say, I learned so much yesterday that life is kind of making sense all of the sudden.
First off, I learned M&Ms are amazing in Pancakes and that when your Aunt asks you to come over for brunch, she means brunch and lunch and dinner with how much food she prepares. :)
I also learned that sometimes the people who say "Suck It Up" still cry.
I grasped that you will always be someones little girl, no matter how old you are.
I learned you can teach your mom to use Facebook and she will use it on her own, even when you think she won't!
Another thing I learned is Rocky's pizza is the best, and a drive to Appleton is worth it for the deliciousness of a cheesy, pepperoni and sausage goodness on bread!
I discovered that sometimes the long way to a place is just what you need to make the moment last just a tad bit longer...and can make all the difference in scenery (even on a crappy day when it's pouring outside, it's still peaceful.)
A very important thing I learned today is that everything happens for a reason.
I determined that. that dream date you've been dreaming of since you were 10 can sometimes disguise itself and turn out to be more beautiful than that fantasy in your head.
I took in that seeing someone cry over you , a person you thought was the strongest person in your life, makes you feel like the most important person in the world.
I found out that being strong sounds so easy when other people say it to you, but when you are alone, it's one of the hardest things to accomplish.
I realized that love can start out so innocent and grow into something really, really beautiful.
I also learned that high school should be left in high school, and that you need to let go of the past. People change, everyone does and it's the evolution of a person. Although some change sucks...sometimes it can be beneficial, but it may be hard to see it at first.
I discovered that you need to remember the good times in your past, forget the bad, and accept things that are no longer apart of your life.
But the biggest this I learned in the past 24 hours was the live in the moment, every moment of every day. Life is way to short to just let it slip by.
Love as much as you can, love everyone who treats you good, and let go those who don't. Appreciate the people who are in your life today, and remember the ones who are not. Be grateful for what you have because you never know when it could be gone. Smile just because, it looks beautiful on everyone. Laugh because life is amazing and Be You and no one else.

Tomorrow is a big day of packing up the last 18 years into suitcases and leaving a life behind that I've come to know oh so well. It's going to be hard, but I know that the right path isn't easy...

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