Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's only day two of classes and so much has happened!

Internet connection at my dorm is not the best thing... so the library is the only place I can actually type on my blog! Hopefully Zack will send me the mobile internet device so I can actually talk to everyone, instead of using my phone!
AMDA and New York in general are amazing! I've had such a great time these past few days.
The rest of orientation was pretty spectacular! I have made so many friends and have enjoyed every minute of being here!
Day 4- First Demonstration and Chris Jackson
First off Friday was fun! We woke up and had our first demonstrations, and surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all! It was actually really fun!
I sang my song and did my monolog in front of the artistic director and some other faculty members. They were all nice and everything went well. Only problem was, I didn't realize where my accompanist was starting, and I completely blanked when I was supposed to start BUT like a professional, I pulled myself together!
After demonstrations, we had some time to go to Capezio (the dance store) and get any items we needed for Saturdays dance placements. After Capezio's a couple friends and I went to the MAC store (makeup) to get makeup for our dance placements. I thought I wore a lot of makeup compared to many people at home, but compared to everyone here, I wear nothing! So I really needed some red lipstick and good foundation. Everyone in MAC looked at me like I was crazy because I didn't wear lipstick. So after a half hour of learning what shade I was, I checked out and headed back to the dorm before we went to get lunch.
After lunch we all got prepared to meet Chris Jackson! I was so excited! I mean it's Chris Jackson.
Chris Jackson is not only an AMDA alumni, he played Simba in the Lion King on broadway and was Benny in the original cast of In The Heights!
Meeting him was amazing! He gave us a lot of insight as to what it was like, not only at AMDA, but for when we got into the real world and started auditioning.
We were all sad when he finished talking because he was a great speaker. BUT I somehow got in the line to meet him in person. SO I talked to him. I asked for his autograph, which I got, and a picture!
I talked to him about how it was like for his transition from a small town to a big city and he was really helpful, and really nice!
When my friends and I left, we headed to the Strat where my friend made us dinner and we talked to our group leaders about the dance placement we would be having the next morning.
Day 5- Dance until your feet fall off
Saturday was all about dance. So when I woke up at 6 in the morning, I put on my dance leotard and my tights and headed to my group leaders room where she did my hair...thank goodness, there was no way I could have done that myself. 
My friends and I headed towards 61st street where we warmed up and got out numbers, mine was 155...it must have been lucky.
First was the Ballet placement. The combination wasn't hard, it was really basic, but they were looking for technique. We had to perform that combo a couple of times for the dance faculty, and they moved us around into different groups. One group got to leave, my group had to stay to learn another combination. This one was a little more difficult, but not bad. After ballet, I found out I was placed in level 3 of 4...which was really good considering I have only been dancing for 10 months. 
After ballet we had tap...OH GOODNESS. It was the first time I had ever had tap shoes on...it was terrible! 
I learned the combo, but unlike ballet, we had to perform it one by one, by ourselves, in front of the teachers. I tried really hard. But, I ultimately was not as good as anyone else there. Somehow I ended up pulling out a level 2 in that class!
THEN it was jazz, which I was so excited about! The jazz combo was so much fun, and I killed it! I had a ball with it! I couldn't have been happier when I was placed in jazz 3!
After it was done, my friends and I stole a quick picture! I'm surprised we weren't all falling asleep (the dance placement took 6 hours...)
After the crazy dance placement, a friend and I walked to the grocery store to get salad bar...YUM! We brought that back to the dorm and chilled in another friends room where we watched some TV shows and just relaxed before the dance that night.
Then it was time to get ready for the dance...although I didn't really dance I had fun just being with my new friends!
The dance ended early which is why we ended up going back to a friends room to watch more TV. Also, we didn't have to be to the Ansonia until 12, so we could stay up.
We had fun talking and everything, before we all headed to bed.
Day 6- What's Going to Happen to Me
That next day we had a meeting at the Ansonia, but first all of my friends decided to meet at starbucks for breakfast! Which was fun, here's a picture of my friends being talented and styling with one hand!
At the Ansonia, we heard an AMDA alumni talk about what was going to happen here at AMDA and when we leave here. It was really, really inspirational. I couldn't wait to get my schedule after it though! 
The speech made me really optimistic about what my time at AMDA was going to be like, and I couldn't wait to start classes the next day! 
But anyways, after the speech we walked to 61st street where we learned about Practicum (logging my hours of rehearsal and outside work) and ultimately our schedules! 
When we got out schedules, I learned I was also placed in one of the highest levels of sight singing, which I was really happy about, because I love sight singing!
The only downside to everything that day was the fact that our whole group from orientations was staying together, except for one of my friends :( we were all really sad about him leaving the group, but we knew that we'd always still hang out with him.
We headed back to the dorms where we got a bite to eat and chilled in a friend's room and watched more TV (guess that's what we do in our free time. :) 
That night, our whole orientation group got together and ate Chinese takeout, which was tasteful, before we all slowly left and went to bed, that next day was our first day of classes and we needed to make sure we were all ready!
Day 7- (Day 1 of classes)
Yesterday was the first day of classes, and I loved every minute of it.
Our first class was at 9 am, and it wasn't too early. It was our Musical Theater class, but we had a sub because our teacher was out of the country and having troubles getting back in time. Our sub was nice though. We talked a lot about the expectations of the class and what we would accomplish in that class through the next four semesters. I am so excited for that class! It's probably going to be one of my favorites! The class lasted around 2 hours and afterwards my friends and I ate before our next class acting.
This is me chilling in the student lounge, practicing my monolog!
After a little while we decided to head up to acting and be early. 
Our acting class was really fun as well! We didn't do much acting, but like Musical Theater, we learned about the class and what it was all going to pertain.
After acting, we had ten minutes to get to our Tap classes. (I was not excited for that class). But surprisingly, I caught on pretty fast and it was fun! I am also proud to say I can now accomplish a single time step :)
After Tap, we as a group, walked back to the strat. I needed to do laundry (I know, I haven't even been here a week and I had enough for two loads of laundry...whoops). So I stopped at Wells Fargo to get some quarters. YEY!
My friend helped me with my laundry, because the machines were really hard to figure out. But while my laundry was going I was practicing tap, I can now do a double time step! I'm on my way :) And I can write that down in practicum. Which is amazing!
Then I warmed up some leftovers and watched True Blood with my friends, but I left the room early because I was so exhausted and the next day I had a 8 am class :/
But I was so excited to talk to my boyfriend Zack...it's been really difficult to have time to talk to him because life here moves so quickly. I miss him a lot and can't wait for him to visit, which I hope he can do soon!
I think he'd love it here!!! But after we were done talking, I could barley keep my eyes open! SO I went straight to bed!
Day 8- Today/Sight-Singing
So as I'm writing this, I am sitting in the AMDA library chilling after my sight-singing class which was at 8 am this morning, but it only went till 9, so it wasn't bad! We just learned really basic stuff.
I am relaxing and putting off changing for theater dance, which I have next! But I love it here, so I can't wait to see what that brings me.

I am super excited to be here, and everyone is super nice! Well I really should go change into my leotard...sadly.
I will try to get some internet connection tonight to tell you all about my next class.  

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