Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first weekend off...

What a weekend it has been.
Day 12- S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y
When I woke up on Saturday, I was so happy I got to sleep in. But once I woke up I went with my friend down to the dorms outdoor patio. It was a great wake up call since it was beautiful outside. We then proceeded to my friends room where we slowly woke up by watching a couple of TV shows before starting our day.
We took it easy, talked about what our weekend plans were and about our classes.
My friends and I hung out for a while together, but then it was time for me to get ready for my interview. I was really nervous because the email I had gotten on the interview told me I basically had a minute to sell myself, due to the fact we had to cram all of the interviews on one day due to the hurricane coming.
After I was all ready we headed towards AMDA's second building, where my interview was, but we had some time to spare. We all decided to walk around and get something for lunch. This is when I experienced my first New York slice of pizza. It was in this little restaurant, hid on the street, and it was pretty yummy. The only downside was, I couldn't buy it with my check card because the purchase wasn't more than 10 dollars, so my friend payed for me.
(Everyone at AMDA is so extremely nice!)
We then sat down and ate our lunch before continuing to mosey down Amsterdam street some more. We walked past a lot of shops and restaurants, looking to see if there was anything close that we'd consider going to in the future. Through our walk we ended up at the Ansonia, where the interview was, but quickly we stopped in the North Face store that was right on the same corner. I saw some really cute jackets and it really made me sad that most likely I'll have another skiless winter :(
So then it was time to head to my interview. One of my friends came with me to sit with me. I tried to stay calm, because that was the most important thing.
The interview went really, really well, I thought. I hope I get a position! After my interview my friends and I went to get supplies for the hurricane that is headed this way.
I stocked up on bottled water, and dry foods like tuna, chips, cereal, etc. things I don't need my fridge for.
Everything was pretty much gone and all the stores we went to. There were also lines of people waiting to enter the store. I guess this is what got me to really realize that we are going to be hit by a hurricane.
I started getting nervous, but for the most part I tried to remain calm.
That night, my friends just chilled and we watched more episodes of Family Guy. Mostly everyone left though because it was pretty late.
The friend's room we were in was really tired which caused two friends and I to relocate to my room. This was like at 12ish.
We stayed up until maybe 3:30 talking about our futures and our pasts, what we were scared about and such. It was a lot of fun! But I was exhausted afterwards!
It was time to go to bed!!
Day 13- Unlucky Day 13...
So this morning when I woke up, I really, really wanted to stay in bed, but I knew I had to get up and begin my day. My friend and I woke up early to make our ways to the store to get breakfast foods (eggs  and cheese, mostly) so we could all have breakfast together. I was really excited to hang out with my friends. Only downfall was, for the most part, everyone was out of everything. Thank goodness we were still able to find eggs.
When we got back it was around 11. We rounded up the troops and made our way to the kitchen. There weren't too many people down there but slowly it got more crowded.
The eggs took forever to cook, so while we waited we watched the news. This is when things started to get serious. The news was preparing people for the storm and informing people in some areas to evacuate. I started to get really scared at this point.
A lot of people who were either from New York or New Jersey started heading home after we all got the news that AMDA would be closing Monday. My friends and I just tried to stay calm for the most part. But truthfully, the hurricane does scare me.
After breakfast I went to my room because I was practicing with my scene partner our acting scene. It went super well and was super easy and fast. The only thing was that everyone kept knocking on my room, it probably happened 3 times in the course of our half hour practice.
Why does it always seem like when you're busy people want to talk to you but when your board no one comes around?
Anyways, when practice was over I headed to a friends room to check up on everyone, but I didn't stay long, I was extremely tired.
So I headed back to my room to take a little nap before going to the floor meeting at 6. Needless to say, my nap was much needed.
The floor meeting was pretty boring, and totally self explanatory in four words..."Don't Do Dumb Things."
But there was free pizza, so it was totally worth it.
After the meeting I went to a friends room and watched the newest movie of FAME. How I love that movie!!!!!
But I didn't stay long because I wanted to talk to Zack! Which I did, but not for too long because I wanted to take a shower. :)
After my shower I made myself some tomato soup (first soup I've had since I got here!) and it was really tasty. Sadly all I had for cheese was string cheese, but I made it work!
Then Zack called me again and I got to talk to him, and some of my family; Chad, Amanda, and my little cousin Connor. It was great to hear from them!
But every since then, I've been chilling in my room, playing guitar...typing on my blog...just trying to relax.
The storm should be hitting tomorrow around 2 AM. I'm scared, but I truthfully have no clue what to expect. I hear a lot of mixed things. Some people say it's going to be terrible and the news say it's going to be horribly close to the worst storm we've seen, but then others say that it won't be really bad and we're over reacting. I'm not quite sure what to believe. But I'm pretty prepared. I have lots of dry foods and water. I also have lots of lights everywhere (thanks to my parents and brother!).
So I guess I'll just wait and see.
I'll blog again tomorrow since I don't have class.
Hope it will be a safe night!

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