Saturday, October 27, 2012

What A Week...

So it's the end of week one, and I know I'm really behind on blogging, but I hope to catch you all up to speed! :)
Day 8- Cont.
So when I left off I was about to go to theatre dance class.
When I went to the third floor I found my friends warming up to Beyonce :) I quick threw on my dance leo, tights and shoes so I could join them!

When class started I immediately knew this was going to be one of my favorite classes this semester! Our teacher is really fun, he was in A Chorus Line on Broadway :) He also gave me a comment that I popped out of the crowd and he wanted to hire me because I stood out, which my red lipstick and smile. So that was automatically a plus. We learned a dance to A Chorus Line's theme song, although the dance was mainly about walking, it was still pretty difficult.
After class, my friends and I headed to the library where we made copies of music AND looked at librettos of some of our favorite shows. Of course, I headed straight for The Last Five Years. The libretto has notes in the script next to the lines, I would it so interesting to read, even thought I knew every lyric, it was amazing!
When our friend showed up, who was meeting us after his last class, we headed out of school and some of us went to TJMAXX to get yoga mats for our VPS class. We had a lot of fun walking around columbus circle and eating nasty McDonald's food. :/
Then we got back to the strat and hung out in a friends room, watching movies for practicum!
But we all headed to bed pretty early.
Day 9- Wednesday, the hump day
Wednesday was a long day, we had four classes back to back of one another.
Our first class of the day was VPS (voice production and speech) and boy does that class scare me. It's all about pronunciation, diction, and all that jazz!
It's the most important class, but it kind of scares me because it's so crucial. But I survived the class. We went over a lot of paperwork and such. Our teacher does not look like...a teacher, but he's pretty cool! I'm excited to get to know him better.
After VPS we all had to run to our jazz classes. OH MY GOSH! I love my Jazz class. I'm in jazz level 3 and I absolutely adore that class. It was so much fun! We danced to Lady GaGa and other awesome new songs with great beats. Our teacher is really, really cool too. I don't know, I just LOVE that class!
After an amazing jazz class, we all ran down to the first floor for musical theatre class. This is where we got to meet our actual music theatre teachers. They are amazing! I feel like I am really going to learn a lot from them. 
But anyways, class was all about doing our demo songs. I messed my words up. It was terrible, but I pulled through it. Needless to say, I felt terrible after that class. 
But I managed to put it aside me, or I tried to, when I got my first break of the day and sat to eat my very healthy lunch of combos!

But my lack of confidence carried into a somewhat boring acting class filled with this exercise "Enter, Breath, Exit." I didn't go that day, so I really just mellowed out. Thank goodness that was the last class of the day!
Before we left the building, I turned in my library internship application...I really hope I get the job!
Then we mellowed out again that night! But we did get to sleep in the next morning since we didn't have class until 1030.
Day 10- 0 to Hero
Thursday was an amazing day! First off my day started with musical theatre. What could be better? We did this activity where we just had to talk about something we new a lot about...I of course chose horses...what else would I do? They whole point of it was for the teachers to understand us better...but I didn't understand that completely.
We also learned a new song and started to learn how to analyze it. I found that part so interesting and before I knew it, I was running to the fourth floor for my first private voice lesson.
One word I have to say about my voice lesson...AMAZING! I really felt great about myself and my voice. My voice teacher is so nice! I think he was impressed with me. He told me my musical theatre teacher spoke very highly of me...:) that made me feel 100x better after my lyric mishap during class. He kept telling me how great training I had and that usually he has to retrain students, but not me. Thank you Bethany! :) We sang through some songs in my repertoire. But overall, the lesson was just amazing.
After my lesson I met up with my friends to catch another lunch break...more combos!
We chilled until we all had to change for Ballet. Yey...
But ballet really wasn't bad either. I was placed in level 3 ballet (same as jazz) and we had a fun class. Our teacher was really outgoing and energetic! She was really mellow for the first day.
The only intimidating part of our class was when we were standing in a line and all had to go one by one and do a pirouette on both sides, by ourselves....Yickes!
Mine actually weren't too bad, and she was impressed I had only been taking dance for 10 months! Thanks Jen :)
After ballet class I couldn't get out of AMDA fast enough, I was exhausted! But when I called my mom she reminded me that I had to turn in my other I ran back to AMDA to turn it in! Thank goodness it was on time. I would have felt really bad if it would have been late!
On the way home we stopped by CVS and that's when we first heard about the hurricane hybrid that is headed right for NYC...oh how lovely?
But when we got back to the dorms, I really almost went to bed right away due to my 8 am class! :(
Day 11- I dislike thee...
So although today was Friday, I really didn't have a fun day for classes. Sight singing really stinks because it's at 8 am. Otherwise it's fine. I had to sight sing a phrase by myself today in front of the class. YICKES! I mean I did okay, but my skills need brushing up on. After sight singing, I mellowed out in the student lounge while I waited for my friends to get out of their class.
After we relaxed for a few moments, we headed to our next class VPS in which we had yoga. 
Yoga kicked my butt. It was intense, not horrible, but intense. I hope by the end of the semester I can do half those poses... 
After class we had a quick moment to grab a bite to eat...look how appetizing my lunch is!

YUM! After lunch was acting and today I had to do my enter, breath, exit. It went terrible (it wasn't like graded) it was just to unlock yourself more as a person. First off, my smile looked forced, I didn't make eye contact, I wasn't grounded, I looked down a lot, and my shoulders naturally round forward, thanks to riding :) Blah! But otherwise acting was another mellow class. We got our scene partners though, and I'm paired with a girl named Anna, whose really cool and nice!
After acting we had...MUSICAL THEATRE FILMS! That class is awesome. We have an awesome teacher and we watch clips from broadway shows to teach us about history of musical theatre, what could get better you ask? Nothing! Today we watched Newsies, Wicked, Dreamgirls, Baby, Avenue Q, Lion King and Hairspray. That was a ton of fun!
That was the last class for the day, and it's a great way to end the week! So my friends and I decided to celebrate...what better way then to head to Time Square and see a movie! Here are pictures from the trip!

The Disney store!

My Belle moment :)

On the movie theater balcony!

So after seeing Pitch Perfect again, I was in such an amazing mood. That movie makes you so happy, and I was in Time Square. I really think it hit me then that I was living in New York City, that the place actually existed and wasn't just a place in movies and on TV!
We made our way back to the dorms quickly after the movies, we were all super tired! (TGIF). BUT I had a nice visit from another friend right as I got back to my room. My friend came in, sprayed silly string, and left.  It reminded me of something my brother would do!
He of course came back to help clean it up, but it was pretty funny. I guess it's another reason I need to clean my room more throughly tomorrow. :/
Although it's nice that it's the weekend, I have lots to do!
I have an interview tomorrow for student worker positions, which I really want! I hope I get some kind of position, but there are a lot of people.
I also have to stock up on things before the big storm. I am kind of getting nervous, but I know everything will be alright.
So i am falling asleep!
I promise to update my blog more often!
Goodnight everyone!

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